Venezia 80: Vintage becomes viable on the red carpet with Levante

largeEvante at Venezia 80 reminds us that vintage and sustainable fashion go hand in hand, even on the red carpet.

Levante was one of the many stars of our artistic panorama to walk the red carpet of the 2023 Venice Film Festival, and her appearance impressed us more than other participants for several reasons. First let’s talk about one vintage signed Versaceand then because the clothes pre-loved and sustainable fashion they also become a reality on the red carpet.

Levante in Venice, the vintage dress that speaks of sustainable fashion

In the eleven days at the Lido, we saw some of the most beautiful women in the world parading, with looks that left us speechless: from the simplicity and finesse of the actresses, to the creativity of the TikTokers. But one outfit really enchanted us: his Middle East.

The singer (who has gone back to brunette to the delight of many), opted for a favorite long dress dark gray color in metal Versace purchased through Vestiaire Collective, a leading international pre-owned fashion resale app. Decorated with sequins and lace, the slightly mermaid dress immediately caught the attention of photographers, making the artist among the most photographed of the tenth night of the Festival. Levante walked the red carpet on the occasion of the 11th Edition of the Soundtrack Stars Award held right at the Lido.

Levante's dress in Venice 80

Levante’s choice to wear a vintage dress is no accident and comes with a clear message against disposable fashion of recent years. There are many artists, especially outside of Italy, who bring vintage and second-hand clothes to the red carpet. And then, let’s face it, we really like Levante in the brunette lady role.

The much-loved dresses make it to the red carpet, even at Venice 80

It’s not just the beauty and uniqueness of the Versace dress that has made headlines, Levante’s look has taken over (and even the web) for its vintage choice. In fact, we are talking about a dress from a collection of past years and above all pre-loved.

What are we talking about? This term refers to items (in this case clothing) that are ‘previously loved’, thus second-hand. This form of circular economy allows our planet not to become a big container (landfill?) of unused clothes, and to combat disposable fashion, which has been much discussed in recent years.

Levante's dress in Venice 80

There have been many stylists (starting with Giorgio Armani) who have decided to stop this phenomenon of wasted fashion, collections that only really last one season and clothes that have no cycle, but only one use. So vintage meets sustainable fashion, even on the red carpet, as shown by Levante at the Venice Film Festival, as well as many American stars in Hollywood.

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