Fossil fuels: record consumption reached

THEtoday its consumption fossil fuels and the resulting emissions greenhouse gases have reached record levels: are we really changing course? No. Here’s why
Green Deal: what is the European Commission's Pact aimed at climate neutrality


Green Deal: what is the European Commission’s Pact aimed at climate neutrality

First of all, one thing must be clarified: energy is rarely truly pure. Actually, about i 3/4 of all emissions depend on how energy is produced, transported and used. The real urgency to save ourselves is a paradigm shift in just this area.

Analyzing the energy supply mix, i.e. from which mineral source we produce energy, the latest figures tell us that most of it comes from oil, at 29%, coal contributes 26% and gas only 24%, while the rest comes from alternative sources. . And renewable energy sources? Well, unfortunately they only contribute 3%*.

His reserves vaseline conventional ones have 1,732 billion barrels and are highly concentrated in Middle East (which holds almost half of all global reserves). To put it another way, the oil reserves we have are enough for others 50 years.

Apart from the Middle East, where else are the remaining reserves?

  • Venezuela (17.5% of global reserves)

There production Instead it is largely concentrated in United States, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

What do we use the oil for?

45% is used for transport and the rest is mainly used in the petrochemical industry. The most incredible fact is that global oil demand has reached a staggering 100 million barrels per day (pre-pandemic) and this number is set to rise!

As we well know, global demand for oil has more than doubled in the last 50 years. On the contrary, the pandemic and economic recession they caused a collapse and only in 2021 Global oil demand has almost recovered at pre-Covid levels.

Unfortunately, global consumption of this resource could potentially reach a new record at the end of 2023 (102 million barrels).

So are we sure we are changing course?

Federica Gasbarro works with The Wom independently and is in no way associated with the advertisements that may appear in this content.

*Data source: International Energy Agency, 2022;; Olivier and Peters, 2021; United Nations Emissions Gap Report, 2021

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