Menopause: when it comes too soon, how to ease the symptoms, shame to discuss it with your partner – Feel good

Of Laura Della PasquaLaura Della Pasqua

1. Premenopause at 32, what advice?

2. Hotness, nervousness, irritability: menopause destroys me. What can I do?

3. I am embarrassed to talk about menopause with my partner

1. Premenopause at 32, what advice?

Early menopause can also occur at this age. 37% of women start experiencing menstrual cycle changes before the age of 40 and another 41% before the age of 45. These symptoms are often overlooked but are important indicators. It must also be said that menopause so early is a rare phenomenon. When confirmed by tests, the risks associated with hormone deficiency, such as bone fragility and cardiovascular problems, must be addressed.

Each treatment must be individualized, based on the conditions and needs of each woman. The general rule, which applies to all women, is to pay more attention to diet (reduction of carbohydrates, sugars and fats) and sports activity to keep active the metabolism that tends to slow down with menopause and to strengthen bones and muscles, which are affected by a decrease in estrogen. This is true for menopause that occurs at normal times, and even more so when it is expected, because the body is deprived of the protection of the hormones of childbearing age.

2. Hotness, nervousness, irritability: menopause destroys me. What can I do?

This is what a reader wrote to us. Some women resort to hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the more troublesome effects of menopause, but it is not always possible to do so, and gynecologists generally emphasize the potential risks of this solution. The advice is to take a less impactful route pharmacologically, with herbal supplements that reduce hot flashes and feelings of irritability and nervousness. Taking care of your diet is fundamental by modifying your daily diet, thus taking in less carbohydrates, sugars and fats. An ally in the fight against depression, nervousness and insomnia is sports that must be done consistently and with intensity in relation to the level of training. Physical activity must become a faithful travel companion during these years.

happy couple

3. I am embarrassed to talk about menopause with my partner

Many women still experience menopause until the end of youth and the vestibule of old age. They fear that they will no longer be desirable, that they will no longer have sexual behavior, in short that they will become almost invisible. For this reason, there are many people who, fearing to see their partner move away or even lose them, hide the transition to this new phase of life. There is nothing more wrong. First of all, any woman at any age can be exciting only if she is absolutely convinced of it. The erotic charge is not compromised by the absence of the menstrual cycle, by an extra wrinkle. Sharing this moment of transition with your partner can turn into a further bond in the couple. Making those around you aware of your difficulties and annoyances helps strengthen the union. Above all, talking about physical relationships that begin to struggle and finding solutions together, as well as different forms of eroticism, becomes an important moment for the couple. So no fear or shame about something natural and normal.

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