Paloma Ferragni, Chiara’s new dog – The Wom Fashion

THE Ferragnez smiles and they do it for a very sweet news: Paloma has arrived, a very sweet Golden Retriever who promises to conquer everyone

What is happiness? We could answer this question in a thousand ways, but we borrow one of the truest answers from Charles M. Schulz, author of Snoopy, who in his famous comic wrote that happiness is a puppy, warm and tender in the arms. And behold, even the people seem to know this truth very well Ferragnezwho just welcomed the very blonde Paloma Ferragni.

That’s right, a new dog has joined Chiara Ferragni’s family, who shared the news as soon as possible with her fans, who are already (obviously!) ecstatic. Also because, let’s face it: Miss Paloma, like a good Golden Retriever, already looks like a super fashion dogstylish and ready to conquer everyone with her sweet and naughty character.

Let’s be clear, despite the great joy it must not have been too easy for Kiara to welcome the puppy. The influencer said a few months ago farewell to Matildathe French bulldog who was always by her side and who introduced Ferragni to Fedez (the song I’d like but don’t post, which actually reads Chiara Ferragni’s dog has a Vuitton bow tie and a collar with more glitter than an Elton John jacket speaking of Matilda).

However, for some time both Fedez and Chiara had made it clear how great the lack of a four-legged friend in the family was, especially for little Leone and Vitoria, that every time they saw a puppy they talked about little Mati and how much they wanted to pet her again. It must have been for this reason that Kiara’s mother, Marina DiGuardodecided to “take a stand”.

Yes, because Paloma is really a Grandma Marina’s gift to Leo and Vito. As seen in Ferragni’s stories, the two parted amid laughter and squeals and do nothing but stay with Paloma, who, according to Chiara, will truly become their best friend.

After that, he’ll definitely become a crowd idol: we bet like a good puppy he’ll start getting into a lot of pranks and mischief, and of course, he’ll also start throwing sloppy looks and affection. And how can we resist?

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