“Lato D”, the library of desire, opens in Milan

TO Milan, in the heart of Chinatown, launched the women’s project created to build relationships and fight taboos and prejudices: D sidea bookstore dedicated to the themes of sex, the body and desire

It officially opened its doors on Tuesday, June 27 in via Signorelli, Milan, D sidethe bookstore of desire, a space in which through books we create culture about sex, the body and desire.

Lato D was born from an idea of ​​a bookseller Marta Santomauroof the editorial consultant Julia Tettamanti and the educator Anna Francesca Gezzi in July 2021, initially as a school-based cultural club to become a one-of-a-kind independent bookstore two years later. “This is the work of six people who are convinced that books are capable of building relationships, discourses and ideas, but also fight taboos and prejudices – explain the founders – in Lato D books are a valuable compass for moving between feelings and desires, for knowing one’s body and other people’s, for learning freedom and normalizing discussions about gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, to prepare for changes at any age and feel good.”

The goal was to have one free and safe discussion space about the body, sexuality and emotions: “By sharing thoughts, stories and time we meet people, boys and girls, schools, small communities. Let’s work together to imagine and give shape to this desire.”

The choice to open in June, during Pride month, is completely coincidental: “We want to educate about pleasure, awareness and sexuality thanks to books made of words and pictures for adults, very old and even for little ones. Therefore, sexual education should proceed, but also a greater awareness of the emotions that pass through his own body and that of others, without taboos, in order to discover his own identity”, emphasize the founders of Lato D. At the beginning they greeted, in the heart of Chinatowndozens of people curious to discover what the bookstore has to offer and excited by the idea of ​​having a cultural reference point on the sexuality front.

“Side D is a place to create culture about the topics of sex, body and desire through books – the founders further explain – and will increasingly be a cultural and safe space, open to all and where everyone can find and discover questions and answers, respect and freedom, words and silence, advice, thoughts and imaginations’.

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