Environmental campaigners at London Pride: ‘Don’t accept funding from companies that pollute’ – The Wom

largeand pro-environment protests are stirring things up again. This time some activists boycotted it London Pride to accept funding from high-polluting companies. That’s why it’s important to listen to their voice

In 2018, activism found a new flame with the movement Fridays for Future by Greta Thunberg which did not take long to bring the urgency of the climate crisis back to politicians’ tables. However, 5 years after the protests that rekindled the flame of hope in the fight against global warming, It seems that none of the actions taken match the gravity of the situation.

The world’s most powerful money market funds show no signs of making bold decisions when making investments, while politicians love politically correct narratives. We as a species are always the ones who pay the price

In the wake of this situation, and considering the fact that peaceful protests have not gone very far, some groups of courageous activists have, for some time now, decided to take actions dramatic enough to try to draw attention to the environmental crisis. A kind of cry for help, an SOS in the face of the overwhelming truth of science and the inaction of many.

Berlin, Rome and Florence are just a few of the cities that the children decided to use to bring media and community attention to what is happening

Are there any downsides to the way their message is delivered? Yes, non-experts probably misinterpret them because they don’t have the means to really understand the situation we’re in and why their actions are so extreme.

Is this the last resort? Yes, the truth is that we keep saying that we want to stay below 1.5 degrees but there has been no national or international action or agreement in this direction

Just a few days ago a new coup was organized by activists: this time it’s not about soup on a blackboard or washed paint on a building. It was London Pride that was disrupted to protest “against accepting money funded by highly polluting industries”, and The Guardian reports.

As the script dictates, some protesters were arrested after blocking the road near Piccadilly, sitting in front of the truck of one of the world’s most important carbonated drinks groups, for 16 minutes. After the arrest, the march continued.

The organization claimed the action Just Stop Oilwho previously warned march organizers that he would take action if they accepted high-polluting sponsors, saying: “If London Pride fails to take these vital steps necessary to protect our community, we will have to consider possible escalations could lead to the disruption of Pride,” and then “We will also ask the entire LGBTQIA+ community to join us in protesting and boycotting, for the safety of LGBTQIA+ people everywhere.”

Activists during the Pride demonstration in London
Activists during the Pride demonstration in London

In short, we are faced with the usual question: big companies try in every way to show themselves close to issues such as the environment, inclusion, diversity and activists who hardly try to underline the urgency of introducing specific actions.

Federica Gasbarro works with The Wom independently and is in no way associated with the advertisements that may appear in this content.

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