Cop28: what to expect (and hope) from the next UN climate conference

THENovember 30 takes place in Dubai COP28, the twenty-eighth United Nations climate change conference. An important event that brings together 197 countries to talk about environmental policies. However, international tensions are weighing on the negotiations. Will it be another disappointment?

Climate change: what the new United Nations report says


Climate change: what the new United Nations report says

The multiple crises that have occurred in recent years are weighing on the decision-making tables: pandemic, Russian-Ukrainian conflict, inflation, recession and last but not least, the war in the Middle East. What also makes the outcome more doubtful is where the negotiations will take place: o United Arab Emirates, the main suppliers of fossil fuels in the world. The same fossil fuels that cause climate change. Despite the Vision 2030 plan, the Gulf countries are still a long way from making a concrete contribution to curbing global emissions, and with them comes the contentious debate between “phasing out” and “phasing out,” that is, eliminating or reducing non- renewable energy sources. sources.

The hope is that at COP28 participating countries will present updated and more ambitious climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. This could include setting new emission reduction targets and strategies to limit global warming to less than 1.5° above pre-industrial levels, as outlined in the agreement. However, we are already on track for 2.5 degrees Celsius and it would require massive action by all member states.

Here are the topics that will be discussed during COP28:

  • Funding and support: This point will be the focus. Developing countries are seeking financial assistance to help them adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. COP28 could focus on how developed countries can meet their commitments and provide financial support to developing countries.
  • Adaptation and resilience: As the impacts of climate change become more apparent, discussions on adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change are expected to gain more importance. One of the discussions will certainly be strategies and plans for adapting to sea-level rise, extreme weather events and other climate-related challenges.
  • Biodiversity and ecosystems: the link between climate change and biodiversity loss is becoming increasingly clear. One of the key points of the conference will be related to how to protect and restore ecosystems. The latter, in fact, contribute to mitigating climate change and provide numerous co-benefits.
  • Transparency and accountability: Transparency and accountability are key to ensuring that countries meet their climate commitments. COP28 could finally get to the bottom of the problem related to improving reporting and verification processes.

There is a strong presence of young activists and civil society organizations at COP events. These groups play a critical role in supporting ambitious climate action and holding governments to account. Given the global nature of the climate challenge, the huge economic costs caused by natural disasters and the business opportunities offered by renewable energy, COP28 could be an opportunity for all states to reaffirm their commitment and work together to combating climate change.

The success of COP28 will only depend on the willingness of participating countries to cooperate and take meaningful action. All previous failures give only “an imprint”, but the situation can be completely reversed from year to year.


Federica Gasbarro works with The Wom independently and is in no way associated with the advertisements that may appear in this content.

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