Fashion icons: why it’s important to follow them – The Wom Fashion

Pibecause they are models of style, yes, but understood in 360 degrees. And there is a “Style Icons” podcast that talks about 10 characters able, with charm and charisma, to leave their mark forever!

There are the indisputable muses, who have entered the history of fashion. Many no longer live in this world, but will always remain here: let us consider – to give some examples – a Coco Chanel and Audrey Hepburnto Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly. Then there are the modern fashion icons, from Lady Gaga to Kim Kardashianthat might leave their mark in aeternum or maybe not, but in our time they are still a prolific source of inspiration. But why is it important to know and follow these characters?

Because style is not just clothes

The answer seems very easy and obvious: fashion icons are models to inspire someone matter of style. In short, to observe their appearance, the way they dress and put the different pieces together and then filter everything based on their own way of being. And here, to name a couple, the little black dress that Audrey loved so much and Coco tweed jacket. But also, to return to today, the crystal dresses that Kim Kardashian often shows off.

But no, that’s not all. Icons manage to become such because they have something special. They are animated by one great personalityfrom imagination and originalityfrom determination. They are particular about not only what they choose to wear, but also how they live and behave. For the world in which they are in the world. They have the so-called x-factor, or rather more than one. And that’s why they manage to create trends and influence entire generations.

Therefore, to follow them is to learn a 360-degree style lesson.

Audrey Hepburn in her famous little black dress
Audrey Hepburn in her famous little black dress

Because they are valuable inputs

Therefore fashion icons can be made coach in all results, motivational figures who provide valuable input. Many were born under a lucky star, many others were not. Almost all of them have faced enormous difficulties. just think of the fragility of Marilyn or Lady Diana.

However, these women made it find the key to express yourself and build your own identity. To reach people. As they certainly succeeded to enhance their physicality; but beware: just as everyone was not and is not “perfect”, not even in this respect! Learning to emphasize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses and enhance your uniqueness: here is another nuance of the concept of “style”.

Coco Chanel in a suit
Coco Chanel in a suit

Because it’s part of history

Another good reason to follow fashion icons? Simple, it is part of history; and we’re not just talking about fashion. Knowing their life means retrospect and photographic society. And that goes for both the stars of today and those of the past. It’s a series of exciting discoveries. It is truly impossible not to be captivated by these charismatic figures.

Lady Diana with the famous "revenge dress"
Lady Diana in the famous “revenge dress”

On air a podcast you shouldn’t miss

At this point, a good idea is to enjoy it new original podcast Style icons: a 10-episode series already available on all platforms, production Dr Podcast and created in collaboration with Kruso Kapital, Gruppo Banca Sistema.

The characters in question? Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, JF Kennedy, Elizabeth II, Sean Connery, David Bowie, Lady Diana, Madonna, Steve Jobs and David Beckham. The actor and voice actor guide the listener on this journey Eric Alexander.

A famous aphorism – comments Raffaele Tovazzi, artistic director of Dr Podcast Audio Factory Ltd. he says: “ideas walk on the feet of men.” I believe this thought is the basis of our podcast. The stories of extraordinary women and men who, in their own style, have inspired aesthetic standards for generations. Listening to him, he takes us on a journey through the ages to discover stories… And styles that have made history“. We start with Coco Chanel»,a model for anyone who wants to express their uniqueness with elegance and audacity“. Then Audrey Hepburn»,proof that style is not just about looks, but is a manifestation of our inner authenticity“. JF Kennedywho along with Jackie also had a big impact on American fashion and lifestyle. Elizabeth II, who has made his way to reign a unique style. And so on, everything else mentioned. What are you waiting for to delve into each story?

Madonna in one of her many iconic looks
Madonna in one of her many iconic looks

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