5 good reasons to reconnect with nature – Feel good


Today only 6% of the world’s population lives in close contact with nature: an alienation that causes discomfort on a physical and psychological level. Marcella Danonecopsychologist and author of the book Chlorophylls (Urra Feltrinelli), explains that to treat this “vitamin N deficiency”: “Urban parks and gardens can also work, even contact with plants and domestic … Read more

What is bioenergy and how it works in tension – Feel good


Unlocking physical and emotional stiffness can become a game. As? With bioenergy, a technique capable of helping to dissolve the blocks that regulate us on a muscular and mental level. Telling us is Omar Montecianiauthor of personal development books, body mediation consultant and host of bioenergy classes at Todi. What does bioenergy consist of? “Bioenergy … Read more

Napping: why it’s good for you, when to do it, for how long – Feel good


In Spain they call it “siesta”, in Japan “inemuri”, abroad they call it “power nap”. Many different ways to indicate the same thing, e.g afternoon nap, what we often eat after lunch to face the next activities with more enthusiasm. “When living conditions permit, napping can have positive health effects because it regenerates, reduces stress, … Read more

Get rid of toxins with yoga breathing – Feel good


Get rid of toxins with yoga breathing – Feel good Here is a technique which, by altering the frequency of breathing, the amplitude and the relationship between inhalation and exhalation, allows you to stimulate ‘apana’, the energy that manages the process of eliminating physical and mental toxins Of Rosella Briganti And Gerardo Antonelli If you … Read more

Rome, 2 city trips to discover lesser known beautiful areas – Starbene


Useful and enjoyable: exploring the beauties of Italy and burning calories in the meantime. To do this, nThere is nothing better than devoting yourself to discovery unknown corners of Rome: areas forgotten by tourist guides, places full of history, treasure chests of curiosities and anecdotes. A recently published book, Rome, an unusual guide for city … Read more