How to fall asleep early: three exercises to promote sleep – Feel good

How to fall asleep early: three exercises to promote sleep – Feel good

To fall asleep quickly, there are some ad hoc techniques, useful for de-stressing and relaxing. A psychologist explains it to us


It can happen when you come home very late you can not sleep. You are as active as if it were eight in the morning and you start playing on your mobile or watching TV. “This happens because the sleep has a trend cyclic it consists of curves that appear every ninety minutes or so,” he says Claudia Romani, psychologist and psychotherapist in Rome. “So if, for one reason or another, you don’t sleep at your usual time, the mind relaxes (and falls asleep) only in the next turn”. This type of insomnia, then, is accentuated if you’ve had a particularly pleasant night: “Often the mind remains trapped in the points that have been activated and created positive and/or strong sensations. So he continues to relive them even when they are actually over preventing us from sleeping» adds Dr. Romani.

Three techniques to promote sleep

To fall asleep easily after an exciting eveningtry the exercises (which will be done of your choice) suggested by our expert.

  1. Once you decide to sleep, wherever you are, stand up and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale deeply five times. Then start walking barefoot down the path that separates you from the bedroom, but do it very slowly: bring your right foot forward, then lift your left foot off the floor, first lifting your heel, and finally your toes. At each step repeat: “Relax”. As you walk you feel the stability of the floor. transfer everything to him fatigue of the body and in return absorb stability. Doing so will ease tensions, allowing your mind and body to relax and slowly drift off to sleep.
  2. When you are in bed, mentally list all the difficulties and stressful tasks you had to deal with the previous day. After taking inventory, take a good look at your tasks and imagine putting them, one by one, into your mental ‘studio’. Put them down carefully and then, going behind drawers one to seven, lock them up with two firm and decisive missions. Notice the feeling that comes from this action: probably your mind will feel discharged and you will feel a general relaxation of the whole body that will lead you to a deep sleep.
  3. Get some stones of different types, shapes and colors. Place them on your nightstand, dim the lights and sit in your bed. Touch the stones, try to feel their cohesion and start arranging them so that they are in balance one on top of the other. Continue until you start to feel more relaxed. The process of finding balance allows you to free your mind and body from thoughts: external harmony and balance is the reflection of an internal center of gravity which, once achieved, it will lull you to sleep.

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