The change or sudden changes in temperatures, the arrival of spring, the days starting to get longer and the desire to spend more time outdoors. But also a greater sense of it fatigue: are characteristic of this season, approaching spring, but often accompanied by a sense of exhaustion and daily stress, which no longer has a season. How to overcome especially the last one? Help comes from food, but also from lifestyle which also means knowing how to recognize and follow some signals that the body sends.
“We have long known about its effects cortisolthe stress hormone, but perhaps not everyone knows that fatigue is due to the deficiency of this hormone, its depletion that occurs when the adrenal glands “rest” due to excessive fatigue,” he explains. Anna Bianchinaturopath, iridologist and life coach, author of the book Stop surviving, start living again (Red).
However, the solution does not come from specific or drastic diets, but from listening more to one’s body, along with targeted psychophysical exercises that can help to “repair the body”, explains the expert, who gives a series of practical tips .
Here are 5 tips to never forget and keep in your toolbox against stress».
- Silencing the anxiety-inducing ‘tiger’
“To understand why we feel so tired and exhausted, so-called turn off, it is good to remember that this is a consequence of the imbalance between body and mind”, explains the naturopath. “At the base is the functioning of the nervous and hormonal system, which sees the adrenal glands as protagonists: they are the ones above the kidneys that produce cortisol, the so-called stress hormone that served us atavistically to keep us going. alert to dangers. Today we no longer run the risk of possible animal attacks: the symbolic “tiger” has been replaced by anxiety, which can be work or family due to commitments with children or a partner. The result is that, especially women, they never have a moment of rest for themselves, they are always “on the alert”. The adrenal glands then end up producing less cortisol and the result is that you feel drained of energy, with a sense of exhaustion and exhaustion.’
So Bianchi advises: “The first step is Realize of this state and then start bringing gods small changesi, able to regain energy and well-being”.
- Get micro-balances to recharge
“Food has its importance, but even before that it is necessary to start from the way of life, especially to set the right time for rest or micro-rest. In fact, we often think we should have an hour available to spend resting or meditating, when in reality our brains and bodies are 5 minutes is normally sufficient as long as there is complete detachment, to be repeated many times during the day, even about ten. or 15 minutes four times. In short, a holy hour in the day, but divided. That way our adrenal system won’t feel like it’s constantly running away from the ‘tiger,’” Bianchi explains.
- start breathing again (well)
“In third place I would again put the ability to breathe well: if a little oxygen enters, even the brain and mind remain foggy,” Bianchi continues. “Not only: contractions of the diaphragm, as is the vagus nerve. So I suggest we go back to learning to stop and focus on our breathing, going back to relaxing the diaphragm.”
- Replace anxious thoughts with positive ones
“Even in this case I mainly address women who often have the syndrome wonder women: they feel obliged to do everything and often think they haven’t done enough,” explains the expert. “This derogatory attitude must be abandoned to make room for something else. You certainly can’t stop thinking, but just stop for a moment and reverse your perspective, perhaps starting with the thought that we did our best, what we could with the resources available. I know it’s not easy, especially for those whose family, school or social upbringing leads them to demand more and more of themselves, but the well-being that comes from a change of perspective is tremendous.”
- The help that comes from food
And what about nutrition? “It’s definitely important and it doesn’t take much to realize: a person who feels good physically and about themselves has brighter and more radiant skin than someone, for example, who has gastritis, who tends to be darker and puffier. This is also because if the adrenal glands are working poorly, fluid retention can occur – continues Bianchi –. For this reason it is important to have a proper intake of vitamins, water and trace elements The ideal “anti-stress toolbox” should not be missing zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, medicinal herbs to neutralize the most common imbalances and, if necessary, incorporating essential oils and Bach flowers,” explains the naturopath.
Any examples? Among the phytotherapeutic products there are herbal decoctions lemon balm, cinnamon, ginger and mallow to be taken after meals. For essential oils the indication is 1-2 drops of mint directly under the tongue, or dissolved in olive oil or maple syrup to sweeten a mint and rosemary herbal tea. Bianchi recommends mixing “1 drop essential oil of ginger, basil, tangerine and corianderand 3 drops of hazelnut oil, massaging the abdomen with the mixture. For Bach Willow flowers, however, 3 drops in one can be fine glass of hot water (or in herbal tea) to drink after a meal. Other herbs are bud extracts, such as Ficus carica30 drops before a meal, or Tilia tormentosa30 drops before meals.”
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