Spazio Libellula, a place to fight gender violence

doWith a number of femicides showing no signs of abating and increasingly frequent cases of harassment, Milan a place that he wants through educational courses and cultural initiatives deconstruct gender-based violence

In one of the most sensitive areas of Milan, that around Via Padova, a space was inaugurated on Wednesday 5 July with the aim of changing the course of things, acting as an antenna in the area to intercept cases of discomfort and harassment. could remain hidden.

Created by Dragonfly Foundationits reality Zeta Service “Born to fight gender-based violence through the places where we spend most of our days, namely our workplaces”, Libellula Space at via Filippo Tommaso Marinetti 2 will offer paths of self-determination for women and men, a free listening deskanonymously and without obligation to report to monitor situations of violence or vulnerability, one small library addressed to all age groupsbut also educational and entertaining experiences for children, such as emotion workshops that convey the exploitation of gender equality.

Space Dragonfly
Space Dragonfly

The goals she sets herself Dragonfly Foundation through this space there are essentially two: to prevent cases of gender-based violence from occurring before it takes dangerous forms At the same time they give people the opportunity to recognize and express themselves, fighting stereotypes.

“It is important that spaces and offices dedicated to women expand in the city: listening, sharing, joint projects are fundamental to give opportunities to women. Just as it is fundamental to have “guardian” spaces in which direct and indirect signs of violence can be detected, a place where women can turn with confidence and direct themselves to the network of anti-violence centers, a network that is certainly consolidated in Milan and which works in close relationship with all the relevant bodies”, he explained Elena Lattuada, Mayor’s Representative for Gender Equalitypresent at the opening.

A moment from the opening
A moment from the opening

An opening, that of Spazio Libellula, which is essential in today’s context. The LEI (Work, Equity, Inclusion) survey, carried out by the Libellula Foundation, shows that one in two women has been the victim of harassment or discrimination in the workplace, while 22% have experienced unwanted physical contact and 53% have received unwanted verbal compliments, mostly from bosses and colleagues. “These data make us understand how important it is to achieve a profound change in education and awareness, able to eliminate this cultural problem, which is now rooted in our society, in which power imbalances between men and women are still very intense in many areas”, he commented. the Councilor for Civil Services, Decentralization and Participation of the Municipality of Milan, Gaia Romani during his speech.

An important space, an outpost for creating a culture of respect for women. Welcome to Dragonfly Space.

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