Snow White, the remake of the Disney classic is a hymn to girl power

THEits remake Snow White will arrive in 2024 and is already causing discussion: the princess is played by a young actress of Latin origin, the script is by Greta Gerwigdirector of the film Barbieand there is no sign of Prince Charming

First it was his turn Mermaidnow it’s the turn of another Disney princess: Snow White, perhaps “the” princess, the damsel in distress and to be saved in the countryside. Except that in the live action remake that American Giant is working on, Snow White saves herself: no trace of Prince Charming, but only a band of dwarfs who are not dwarfs, because they are a diverse group of “bandits” among whom she stands out and woman.

Greta Gerwig signs the script, Rachel Zegler is the new Snow White

The Snow White remake has yet to be announced – due in 2024 – which has already begun to spark debate over what critics say is Disney’s choice to force narratives at all costs to focus on inclusiveness. He wrote the script Greta Gerving, director of the cult hit ‘Barbie’ and is considered one of the most important feminist voices in the film world today. Instead, Snow White will be played by an actress who is still little known in Italy, young, it is true, but with very clear ideas and determination: Rachel Zegler, 22 years old, brown skin and hair clearly reminiscent of her Colombian ancestry. And precisely her Latin origin did not sit well with many who accused Disney of engaging in “revisionism”: Snow White, in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, owes her name to her very white skin, and for Zegler’s critics her complexion will not she was right for the role.

The actress, for her part, has already hushed up controversy in the past by identifying herself as a “White Latina” and talking about the difficulties of feeling like an integral part of one community or another, given that from all sides we end up seeing the accusations rain down for not belonging. However, she was undaunted: “Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would have the opportunity for this role. Snow White is not traditionally imagined as Latina, although this fairy tale is really very popular among Spanish-speaking countries – he said at one of Variety’s “Actors on Actors” events – you hardly see people who look like me playing such roles.”

“Every little girl can be a princess”

Please don’t tag me in stupid discussions about my casting. I really don’t want to see them. I leave you with these pictures and hope that every little girl knows that she can be a princess, no matter what.”

Added to this is the fact that in an interview with Variety in September 2022, Zegler talked about the changes made to the original film, stressing that “it’s not 1937 anymore” and that Snow White “won’t be saved by the prince. And he will not dream of true love. She dreams of becoming the leader she knows she can be.” The part where Prince Charming wakes up Snow White with a kiss was also cut: “He looks like a huntsman to me,” was Zegler’s other questionable comment about one of the original cartoon’s most iconic scenes.

The icing on the cake of the controversy is that the remake of “Snow White” is actually titled “Snow White”: not Seven Dwarfs, since there is only one actor was affected by dwarfism, and one woman also stands out in the small group. An accurate choice by Disney, following the criticisms made by Peter Dinklage, star of “Game of Thrones”: “To avoid reinforcing the stereotypes of the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and asking opinion of members of the dwarfism community,” explained the US giant.

The previous one with the Little Mermaid

In short, the new Snow White has already sparked debate, proving how difficult it is to see certain characters in different lights. Additionally, Zegler is not the first young actress to face and fight stereotypes and prejudice after being cast in a Disney remake. Before her it was his turn Hallie Baileywho was chosen to interpret the Mermaida character that was and will be iconic for entire generations, in live action from Disney released in 2023.

Hallie had to deal with the ensuing criticism of her appearance, which was so different from his Ariel, the indomitable mermaid with long red hair who falls in love with a human. The choice of an African American actress to play a character who Hans Christian Andersenin 1837, described in his tale as “a girl with pale and thin skin like a rose petal, with eyes as blue as a deep lake”, set off an avalanche of controversy, but what got Bailey back were his reactions childrenespecially the little girls who saw and recognized themselves in her Ariel, between surprise and wonder.

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