Queer is now: in Salento, the exhibition that tells the work of anti-discrimination centers

TOlarge Flying Castle of Corigliano d’Otrantoin the province of Lecce, it is possible to visit the exhibition until October 31 “Queer is now – Being without borders”, the photographic work that traces his commitment anti-discrimination centers throughout Italy

Photography and artistic and visual research as tools of awareness and testimony against racial discrimination. From this meaning it begins “Queer is now – Being without borders”, the project organized by the cultural association Transparent and are produced in collaboration with Big Sur And 73100 Gaya.

An artistic and social research project that through the photographic telling of the history and experiences of 16 individuals and groups belonging to the community LGBTQIA+he says valuable work carried out by anti-discrimination centres on a national scale, offering spaces and services to support the community queer.

The focus of the exhibition revolves around CAD – Centers Against Discrimination motivated by sexual orientation and gender identityplaces spread throughout Italy, where legal, health, psychological and social mediation assistance and, where necessary, accommodation and food are guaranteed for all those people who suffer discrimination and violence.

Made from photographer and visual artist Alessia Rollothe photo project was previewed on July 19 at the Flying Castle of Corigliano d’Otranto, in case that The Real Film Festivalthe film and visual arts festival it organizes Big Sur and OfficinaVisioniand will be open to guests in the Castle rooms until October 31, 2023.

The 16 shots they talk about “identities in motion”as underlined by the author herself, who decided to intervene in each photograph in an analog way through the inclusion of pictorial and textual elements.

A non-random choice, that of Alessia Rollo, an artist with many international exhibitions to her credit, who chose to transcend the static nature of photography to join the sign and the signified. A decision that matured by listening to the stories and testimonies of the people they met, able to clearly state their experiences and at a pictorial level: to give space to voices, in the experiences, in the words spoken. To make participation in the narrative completely inclusive.

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