Packing a book to give a future: Oxfam and Mondadori Store initiative

THEWrap a book, give a future: this is the title of the Christmas initiative started by Oxfam with Mondadori store to contribute to creating inclusive education for all. In fact, until December 24 it will be possible to wrap Christmas presents by one of the Oxfam volunteers present in Mondadori bookstores for a small donation

Giving a book as a gift is a gesture that can change a person’s life. It is even more through the project “Wrap a book, give a future”born from collaborations which entails Mondadori storethe largest network of bookstores in Italy, e.g Oxfamthe international confederation of non-profit organizations dedicated to reducing global poverty, for help and support families who are in socially difficult contexts, offering them support for the education of their children.

Thanks to the project “Wrap a book, give a future”it will be possible to participate in the initiative this year as well guarantees equality and equal opportunities for access and academic success to the most vulnerable students.

In bookshops participating in the initiative, until 24 December you will be able, for a small contribution, to have your Christmas presents wrapped by one of Oxfam’s volunteers: the donation can be made directly in bookshops participating in the initiative and also online, via of the special page.

Oxfam has been active for more than 20 years, in Italy and around the world, through programs to fight educational poverty and to spread global citizenship education which aims at a comprehensiveness of culture, fully in line with the goals of the network Mondadori Retail and the entire Mondadori Group.

The collaboration between Oxfam and the Mondadori Store plan to carry out, in different cities, numerous activities to enliven and regenerate the spaces that young people experience inside and outside of schools.

This year, the project involves more than 150 schools, more than six thousand students and hundreds of teachersand aims to help create one integration school: offering educational paths of innovation and exchange opportunities with other European schools. enhancing support opportunities for children at risk of leaving school; by offering courses to recover language and scholastic skills in various subjects and finally by implementing language mediation activities aimed at foreign students.

“The target set at European level is to reduce the early school leaving rate to 9% by 2030 and, despite the progress made in recent years, nationally we are still at 12.7%. – he explains Roberto Barbieri, director general of Oxfam Italia – For this reason, our project aims again this year to support a school capable of leaving no one behind, with attention to the well-being of students and teachers, in synergy with local actors and innovative teaching. A commitment that concerns above all those young people who in the “suburbs” of our cities experience conditions of greater social hardship and are at risk of remaining on the margins. We want to thank the Mondadori Store for its support, with which we will be able to be even more efficient”, he concludes. Barber shop.

“School exclusion risks becoming an even more visible phenomenon for certain segments of the population, in a global context of uncertainty and economic crisis such as the one we are experiencing. As publishers and booksellers, we have the responsibility to offer our support to guarantee a better future for children and young people. Therefore, we continue our commitment alongside Oxfam, aware that culture and education are primary channels to promote the inclusion, social cohesion and development of all of us, in line with the sustainability goals of the entire Mondadori Group,” he states . Francesco Riganti, marketing director of Mondadori Retail.

The Mondadori Store initiative with Oxfam is part of the social responsibility course that the Mondadori Group has undertaken for some time, including through a range of activities to support communities, from promoting reading and education to training and social and health assistance.

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