November 6 is the day to prevent the exploitation of natural resources in situations of war and armed conflict

TO Since 2001, it has been celebrated on November 6 every year United Nations International Day for the Prevention of the Exploitation of Natural Resources and the Environment in Situations of War and Armed Conflict. An anniversary that aims to raise awareness of the devastating effects of wars not only on human lives, but also on the environment

This day was born on November 5, 2001, when the UN General Assembly declared the following day, November 6, as a day dedicated to this cause. The purpose of its establishment is awareness of the effects of conflict on the environment and which, too often, are overlooked.

Victims of wars are civilians, soldiers and everyone involved, but also our ecosystems

The explosion of a bomb can cause contamination of aquifers and the compromise of an ecosystem on which, for example, the production and sale of food was based. Here come the consequences to humans: lack of food, water and the money that came from selling these products.

At the same time, we cannot think of a lasting peace if the resources that determine our survival on this planet are not sufficient for everyone. Who will control the few resources available? Who will have priority? According to UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, History teaches us that about 40% of all internal conflicts in the last 60 years have been caused by the exploitation and control of natural resources.

This day is celebrated around the world and is supported by resolution UNEP/EA.2/Res.15 of 27 May 2016. In addition, the United Nations coordinates six agencies and departments to promote peace and identify actors that could cause the destruction of natural resources.

Federica Gasbarro works with The Wom independently and is in no way associated with the advertisements that may appear in this content.

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