In Monza, an exhibition explores the impact of artificial intelligence on the art of the future

Heyfrom September 1 to 30 the Royal Villa of Monza hosts Rights from Future Generations – A Perspective on (A)rt and (I)novation, an artwork that directly compares art created by humans and art created with artificial intelligence. An exhibition route that allows a question to emerge: what will define the concept of art in the future?

“In recent years, the advent of Artificial Intelligence software capable of creating increasingly accurate and aesthetically valid graphic representations calls into question the very definition of ‘art’ and raises profound ethical questions,” explained the Cultural Advisor, at Villa Reale. and the park of Monza, Arianna Bettin.

The work of the exhibition begins precisely from these ethical questions Rights from Future Generations – A Perspective on (A)rt and (I)novation – designed by Francesco Stranieri and edited by Vittoria Mascellaro – in which some students from high schools in the province of Monza and Brianza participated thanks to an open call. Their works are the protagonists of the first exhibition which presents 24 works, 12 created by human hands and 12 created through Artificial Intelligence.

Image created with Adobe-Firefly text-to-image conversion software.
Image created with Adobe-Firefly text-to-image conversion software.

The works deal with the issue of human rights in the society of the future and were chosen by the organizers after a discussion with a committee made up of three experts from different fields: Fabio StellaAssociate Professor at the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication of the University of Milan-Bicocca. Beatrice Catanzaro, professor at the Department of Visual and Curatorial Studies of the New Academy of Fine Arts. And Jacopo Casiraghipsychologist and systemic relational psychotherapist and head of the “Disability Rights” working group at ReDiPsi (Networks of Psychologists for Human Rights).

Francesco D'Isa - Mistakes
Francesco D’Isa – Mistakes

The second path involves emerging artists working using and incorporating artificial intelligence tools into their productions. The protagonists are the artists Francesco D’Isa, Roberto Fassone And Andrea Meregalli who worked on the relationship between (art) and (i)innovation. Francesco D’Isa shows a selection of abbreviations from the series Errorswhich feature the unexpected element generated through the Midjourney software. Roberto Fassone presents And we thought, a work produced within the FOOD DATA DIGESTION project, a research and production process that combines art and Artificial Intelligence. While Andrea Meregalli proposes, for the first time on canvas, his research with artificial intelligence from which images were born that represent the monsters of the soul, abstract entities that carry with them hidden truths.

Work by Andrea Meregalli
Work by Andrea Meregalli
Is artificial intelligence a feminist issue?  Interview with researcher Diletta Huyskes


Is artificial intelligence a feminist issue? Interview with researcher Diletta Huyskes

The works presented in the exhibition suggest a reflection on the role of Artificial Intelligence in emerging contemporary art and how it can be used to bring to life complex and multi-layered works, synonymous with the times we live in. A tool, that of artificial intelligence, that will have an increasingly important impact on future generations of artists and on the concept of art itself.

Throughout the duration of the exhibition, meetings, dialogues and conferences focusing on artificial intelligence will be organized. The talk show is called What about (a)reality and (i)innovation? and it will be an opportunity to delve into the subject of innovation from an artistic, philosophical, anthropological and scientific point of view. Professionals from various fields such as artists, curators, philosophers, computer scientists and university professors will participate, ensuring gender equality. The Talk program will be presented at Manzoni16an event space in the heart of Monza, and entry will be free, with live streaming available for greater participation during the meetings.

Rights from Future Generations – A Perspective on (A)rt and (I)novation is organized by the Association for Social Promotion RIPETHUB APS in collaboration with the Consortium of Villa Reale and the Park of Monza, thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Monza.

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