From around the world: civil rights news October 2023

Nonew appointment with the monthly column open civil rights: recently there has been talk of forced contraception, harassment at work and transgender rights. Here is a summary of the most important events

In Zimbabwe there is controversy over the election of the new Miss National

The election of the new Miss Zimbabwethe model Brooke Brooke-Jackson, causing controversy to erupt in the African state. The color of his skin is at the basis of the complaints: Whitein a country where 98% of the population is black.

Bruk-Jackson, 21, a professional model and beautician, was born in the capital Harare and her victory in the competition means she will represent the nation at Miss Universe, November 18. The fact that the Miss Zimbabwe pageant was held 22 years after the last edition saw the African country return to the competition after more than two decades of absence: it had been 22 years since Zimbabwe had not held the beauty pageant her.

Many of these criticism rained down on social media for the decision to hand over the Miss scepter and crown to the 21-year-old, criticisms that in some cases turned into insults. The new Miss, on her part, after clarifying that “I won this crown for our beautiful country, for loving and serving our people, for representing Zimbabwe internationally and for showing the world the uniqueness of Zimbabwe and who inhabits it”, and having made it clear that “I want to be an example of grace, understanding and inspiration to the youth of Zimbabwe”, he limited himself to saying that “Skin color should not define a person,” and then turned off comments under his election posts on Instagram.

Denmark, Inuit women complain: ‘Forced contraception’

Sixty-seven women born in Greenland have filed a compensation claim in Denmark alleging that, 60 years ago, the Danish government organized a campaign of forced contraception.

The case exploded after the release of a series of podcast based on national archives and broadcast in spring 2022 by Danish radio and television Dr. During the episodes it emerged that, between the 1960s and 1970s, approx. 4,500 young Inuit women were subjected to IUD insertion without their consent as part of a contraceptive policy aimed at reducing the birth rate in Greenland. A country which, although no longer a colony of Denmark since 1953, still remained under the control of Copenhagen, and this was the case until 2009.

ONE examination Committee is now investigating the reported events and is expected to publish its conclusions in 2025: “We don’t want to wait for the results of the research – said psychologist Naja Lyberth, who initiated the request for compensation – We are getting older: the older among us, who had the spiral in the 60s, born in the 40s and approaching 80 years of life.’ Each woman is asking the Danish government for 300 thousand kroner in compensation, equal to approx 40,200 euros.

The proposal in Great Britain: trans women are banned from women’s wards in hospitals

The transgender women could excluded from the wards of the British Women’s Hospital. The proposal is from the Minister of Health, Steve Barkleywho described it as a measure intended to “restore common sense” to the NHS.

In particular, during a press conference, Barclay, a representative of the Conservative government, announced his intention to change the statute of the National Health Service “following a consultation that will take place later this year, to ensure that we respect privacy, dignity and the safety of all patients, to recognize the importance of different biological needs and to protect the rights of women”.

The reaction of associations fighting for the protection of the transgender community was immediate: “The proposal to ban transgender women from the wards of women’s hospitals is a response to the search for a problem, designed without the input of any organization that represents the people most likely to be affected by this check, i.e. trans people – commented by TransActual – There is no evidence of problems arising from trans women in women’s wards, while there have been cases of male staff abusing female patients. Also cases of transgender women who have suffered abuse in male wards. In other words, by waging a ‘culture war’ and raising concerns about things that aren’t happening, conservatives are once again doing nothing to provide real protections for women, making the lives of trans people significantly more dangerous.”

Supreme Court: “Yes to dismissal for a slap on the bottom”

Groundbreaking decision of the Supreme Court on the matter harassment at work. The judges of the Supreme Court actually declared legal the dismissal of the chief of staff of an Foundation active in the theater world of Palermo, who was dismissed precisely because he had touch the bottom to two workers.

The events date back to 2017. The man, according to what was mentioned in the dismissal letters, would have given “a kick on the buttto an employee of the Foundation and, in an earlier episode, had “commented that another Foundation employee, busy with photocopies, with her back turned, ‘given her age, she had a nice bottom'” and had invited her to walk around in such a way so that he can show it to another employee so that he can also express his appreciation”.

The two women had reported it to the employer and it was done dismissal for just cause was caused. The man appealed and two years later the Court of Palermo declared the dismissal illegal. The Court of Appeal overturned the decision, finding it justified, and the Supreme Court ended the controversy by upholding the appeal.

For Stoats “the facts were relevant from his point of view breach of fiduciary duty and therefore had to be evaluated for their social discredit”, and it is necessary to emphasize that the relationship between the protagonists was “characterized by absolute formality” and therefore “an atmosphere of comradeship” could not be created since he was in charge of staff and two subordinates “who addressed him as lei and with due respect to a subject in a position of hierarchical superiority”.

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