Fried Eggs and Beans – Healthy Kitchen

Egg and bean casserole is a spring proposal (but not only) that is very simple and tasty to prepare in a short time. It’s a very nutritious, healthy recipe and even though it’s light it’s very filling. Serve with a slice of bread to have a tasty and balanced single dish.


300 grams of beans, peeled
2 eggs
1 shallot
1 tablespoon of oil
Salt and pepper to taste


Pour the water into a pan and let it boil. Add the beans and boil them over medium heat for 10 minutes. Drain them, rinse them under running cold water and peel them. Clean and slice the shallot. Pour a spoonful of oil into a non-stick pan and brown the shallot, add the boiled beans and saute them for a minute on a low heat. Adjust with salt and pepper. Use a spoon to make wells and peel the eggs inside. Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes until the eggs are set.

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