Food safety at risk due to global warming

NoIn recent days various events have graced the pages of major newspapers worldwide. Most of them are about the climate crisis. From the meeting at FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) to discuss the food crisis until the appeals of the Secretary of the United Nations Antonio Guterresmoving on to the latest news on the Mediterranean, the eyes of the world are increasingly turning to how our lives will change due to global warming

In Rome, the event took place from 24 to 26 July Second United Nations Summit on Food Systems at FAO Headquarters. Food security is challenged by climate change and the pandemic. According to the assessment of the same body, Today there are 3.1 billion people who cannot afford a balanced diet and unfortunately the number is destined to increase. Italy played the role of host, organizer and organizer of the event. The meeting aimed to provide an opportunity for countries to report on their progress towards achieving the goals of the 2030 agenda, particularly those related to food, nutrition and water.

From New York the head of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres echoes scientists in Europe who never stop declaring new temperature records. The Secretary-General clearly explained what we all know but no one wants to hear: “the era of global boiling has arrived and the era of global warming is over. Climate change is here. It’s scary. And it is just the begining. Children swept away by the monsoon rains, families fleeing the flames and workers collapsing in the heat. We can stop the worst, but to do that we have to turn a year of burning into a year of burning ambition,” he said.

All this finds a common denominator in recent studies by scientists from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Data shows that so far, the month of July has seen the hottest 3-week period on record and the 3 hottest days on record.

Italy is overwhelmed by extreme climate events: a wake-up call for everyone


Italy is overwhelmed by extreme climate events: a wake-up call for everyone

At the same time, perhaps for the first time, news concerning the Mediterranean and the Ocean are making their way. Here too, temperatures are at the highest levels ever recorded based on a 173-year data set. Chris Hewittdirector of climate services at the WMO, underlined that since 2015 the trend has always been upward, especially in the last period, despite the La Nina cooling effect.

Faced with this news, another very bad one, Guterres sought to make people understand the importance of developed countries producing clear and credible roadmaps for doubling climate adaptation finance by 2025, but also continuing the promise of 100 billion per year to support the development of countries and the absolute need to develop early warning systems in case of extreme weather events.

“No more delays or excuses,” the Secretary concluded, and so today we decide to close our weekly appointment with climate change news, adding that our actions always count. In addition, long walks in nature very often help to feel less oppressed by the sense of inadequacy in the face of so much injustice and perhaps also to regain the hope that we can still do it.

Federica Gasbarro works with The Wom independently and is in no way associated with the advertisements that may appear in this content.

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