Alessandro Gassmann was awarded by ReWriters for his environmental commitment

largeactor and director Alessandro Gusmann recognized for its commitment to promoting a vision that puts the environment at the center rather than individual interests: our interview

From an “egocentric” vision to an “ecocentric” vision of the world. That was the theme of his new edition Awardwhich this year was delivered to Alessandro Gusman for the commitment made to rewriting modern fantasy so that it becomes, from predators, guardians of the planet where we live

Last Generation:


Last Generation: “We don’t want to please everyone, but to make people think about the environmental crisis”

The award is presented by the cultural association ReWriters, which is committed to creating new standards with the aim of social sustainability, a value at its heart Rewriters Ethical Manifestoto inspire and facilitate the adoption of responsible behavior towards the future of the planet and the well-being of the people who live on it: “The social sustainability is one of the three pillars, along with environmental sustainability and governance, of the UN 2030 agenda, but it is still too often neglected – he said Eugenia Romanelli, president and founder of – Alessandro Gusman made his popularity available of those who are already trying to combine environmental protection with social equality, choosing to strengthen and raise awareness of these ecologically sensitive and innovative companies behind which are just as many ReWriters. On the other hand, it was precisely from the ReWriters Ethical Manifesto that ReWorld was born, which developed the S-Assessment, the first Italian scientific tool to measure the social sustainability of companies.”

From the publication of the book “Me and the #GreenHeroes”, in fact Gassmann has never missed an opportunity to align himself with those committed to climate change, reducing environmental pollution and sustainable production. On behalf of His position, in a few words, is clear: welcome the fight, especially if it’s the younger ones who take up arms – figurative, of course. As long as it always happens with absolute respect. We talked about it with him at the presentation of the award, the “Samietrone”, given to ReWriters exclusively by the artist-inventor Marco Durandi and edited by the architect and inventor Christiana Meloni.

He never had any qualms about taking a stand and taking a public stand on the side of the “environmental warriors”, even in situations where they were harshly criticized. Do you think the only way to be heard is theirs? In short, does the end justify the means?

Any means would be valid as long as the means are useful and constructive. What I said to the climate activists who throw paint on monuments or paintings is that I agree with the protest, but I think this type of gesture is counterproductive, because it gives leverage to those who say that those who commit it are alone a “daddy’s boy” delinquent; who stains the monuments because he is bored. This is not true: these are twenty-somethings, young people who want to guarantee a future like previous generations, so my advice to them is to find other equally visible forms of protest. I believe first of all that there should be more of them and that they should go to the halls of power to repeat loudly that they want change. Obviously they don’t have to be alonebut they must be helped by the elders.

Her latest project sees her in the role of Dante Balestra, a philosophy teacher at a Roman high school. A few months ago you proposed the teaching of environmental education in schools, today we are talking about the introduction of sexual and emotional education courses. In short, we return a lot to the subject of teaching: what is the role of the school today?

I am an example of a terrible student, I was afraid of school and had terrible teachers, I was afraid of grades and exams. When I could I didn’t go, or in any case I experienced my trip badly. The school should do the opposite, make it clear it’s not a place where there are adults telling you things and you have to learn them by heart because they know them and you don’t, but instead, as Professor Balestra does, enter the psychology of children and open the doors to a more complex world that guides them to become adults. All this must be done with diplomacy, intelligence and delicacy, not with the whip, but with the necessary psychological attention towards them. It must also be said that in Italian schools there are very good teachers, but the whole system suffers from very serious deficiencies, dilapidated structures, very low salaries, lack of teachers, this thing has been discussed since I was born. We must intervene in this sense as well.

As an actor and director, what did you think when you were told you won this award?

I must say that I have received other awards that go in this direction and they are the ones that fill me with the greatest joy. I really enjoy being a director and an actor, but getting a chance to be useful to society by doing a ‘futile’ profession fills me with pride. This award for me is a “sanpietrone” that I will keep it very carefullyhoping to invite everyone to reflect more.

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