The new talents of electronic music at Jägermusic Lab

Un project that aims to discover the most promising artists of Italian electronic music, support their development and bring them closer to the general public: the sixth edition of Jägermusic Labwhich with her Academy since then 5 until November 11 gathered in the premises of BASIC Milan the ten talents selected during the summer stages of the competition. We went to visit them

For six days they live immersed in music, day and night, in a journey that aims to bring them in touch with what they have inside, with their instinct for sound and with their inner voice: this is the case with the ten artists who participate in his Academy Jägermusic Labhis initiative Jägermeister with the aim of supporting new talents moving in the Italian electronic music scene.

Coming from all over Italy, the talented protagonists of this edition of Jägermusic Lab It was ANYA REI, ALIOTHO, RVRSRVR, SOUND INFECTION, MOFW, OZEY, FUTURA CIMICE, ATRAAM, HOLOGRAPH and GHYGO. They were selected by a jury consisting of the musical duo The ReLOUD, founders of the MAT Academy and its main teachers Jägermusic Labas well as journalists and guest artists of this publication.

During the Academy their days were a series of classes on production techniques, music scripts and sound study, as well as creative sessions for music productions, auditions and exams, as well as live sessions. An immersion in sound that continued tirelessly at all hours of the day: each artist brought with them different stylistic notes, creating infections, short circuits, hybrid sound compositions. Saying all this on his social channels Jägermeisterwas there super host Karen Casiraghi aka KokeshiYouTuber and influencer, who said: “I lived every moment with them and discovered many interesting things about electronic music, it was a constant discovery.”

As every year, the educational route and workshops were conducted The ReLOUDthat is Alex Tripi and Nello Grecoits founders MAT Academy, the first Italian online academy teaching the most advanced music production techniques, currently translated into 3 languages ​​and present in more than 70 countries. Along with them, the other competition judges led the Academy’s classes and creative sessions: i COMA_COSE; Manuelito ”Hell Raton”, record producer and artistic and creative director; Luca Agnelli, internationally renowned techno DJs; Luca Beijing, founder and CEO of Reflex Booking together with Leonardo Brogi; Emanuele Pino of Island Records; Fabio Rinaldi of Sugar e Maurizio Lobina, artist who in 1998 gave shape to Eiffel 65 together with Gabry Ponte and Jeffrey Jey.

A conversation with ReLOUD and Maurizio Lobina

I am very Alex Tripi and Nello Greco Of The ReLOUD to have created the concept of the Academy. In BASE, between one lesson and another, they tell us how the project was born: “It all started seven years ago with the desire to discover the emerging talents of Italian electronic music. Jäegermeister believed in our initiative and so we started the Jägermusic Lab, with the first editions in Berlin and now in Milan.”

The idea behind the Academy, however, is not only to find talent, but also to make them think about what their artistic identity is, what they are looking for in music and how they want to speak through sound. “We give each edition a creative mission, this year it is Back to Origins:

We asked the children to reconnect with their roots, immerse themselves and tell their story through music

It’s almost a spiritual journey. We tell them: come in, tell your story, don’t try to copy what’s on the charts.”

Sharing this view is Maurizio Lobina, who during his course clarified an important aspect in the music industry: “Passion is not enough.

I think the greatest gift, in music but not only, is curiosity. But not a simple curiosity. It must be obsessive, burning

In music, passion is never enough. Do we really think Freddie Mercury was just passionate? No. He was obsessed with music, went to sleep with music in his head and woke up with it. And it is precisely this obsession that allows you to push the limits, to work hard. In my lessons I don’t try to convey passion, no. I’m trying to boost the obsession.”

A moment from the lessons
A moment from the lessons

And it is precisely this obsession, this raging passion, that led Alex Tripi and Nello GrecoYears ago, to leave their jobs to devote themselves completely to music. “We come from finance and marketing, for many years we worked during the day and played at night. Then we decided to take the leap of faith, to throw ourselves completely into music. It was the best choice we could have made. We do what we were born to do. But it wasn’t easy, of course: the music industry is a meat grinder. As Maurizio says, only those who have the fire for music survive.”

By that definition, Jägermusic Lab is the most important test for the ten participants. “For a week they work day and night on their music. It can be exhausting, and it has happened that someone decides to leave, to leave this path. For this reason our courses are almost life lessons on how to approach this world, how to face great realities, how to understand and bring out your soul.

The biggest mistake? Studying too much and wanting to do things perfectly. How many times does it happen to you to listen to a technically perfect piece that doesn’t speak to your stomach, doesn’t move you?

Everything is there. The music has to hit you inside,” continue Alex Tripi and Nello Greco.

To those who are undecided whether or not to continue in music, Maurizio Lobina he replies thus: “When I meet someone who is not sure of his course, I advise him to quit. The reason? If you are confident in what you are doing, you don’t ask yourself this question. You don’t give up on no. Indeed, it is precisely the no’s that convince you that others are wrong. But it’s not over. Even when you finally achieve success, disappointment is constant. You want to repeat this success, but it is not easy, there are always those who surpass you and you have to accept that. It’s a psychological balancing act. You have to go on your way knowing that you are on a roller coaster and that there will be great times and then terrible times. You have to know how to be resilient,” concludes Lobina.

The final night and its winner Jägermusic Lab

At the end of the Academy met the jury made up of The ReLOUD hosts, various music journalists, special guests Coma_Cose, Manuelito “Hell Raton” And Morgan listen to the ten tracks together and choose the best ones to bring to the final live show General Warehouses Saturday, November 11.

They were the ones who went through that phase and played the same night MOFW, FUTURA CIMICE, OZEY and RVRSRVR, and win his title Music Master 2023 it was just the latter, Ravi Elia Raisa aka RVRSRVRthanks to the song SCHWEIß. He will be the one who wins the possibility to obtain a booking contract, a recording contract, the possibility to be evaluated to make further releases with partner companies and finally, as in previous editions, he will be able to be invited to perform at festivals and club where Jägermeister will be a partner.

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