Sex education: the Lights On project is back

MNone of the young people (43.4%) always use a condom: these are the alarming facts emerging from the research carried out byDurex Youth and Sexuality Observatory in collaboration with A fact that raises the urgency of sex education starting from schools. Hence the Durex project “A Luci Accese”, an emotional and sexuality education program that aims to reach 23,000 students

Italy is one of the few European nations, along with Cyprus, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania And Lithuania, because it did not officially include a sex education program in the training programs. A lack that can lead to a lack of sexual awareness, especially among the youngest: according to the survey, in fact, the 11-13 year old age group is the most concerned, with 55.6% which states don’t use no method of contraception.

The data emerged from research by Durex and

More than 15,000 young people between the ages of 11 and 24.

As for contraception, 62.5% of young people surveyed state that they rely on abstinence and beyond 39.3% (+3.6% compared to 2022) incorrectly defines it as a effective method against unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, with the highest rates among the very young aged 11-13. Awareness of the ineffectiveness of abstinence appears to increase with age, although this is not a deterrent to its use.

The situation is then further aggravated by some discussion and dialogue, at school and in the family. Young people, in fact, don’t seem to feel comfortable dealing with this issue at home: the 45.3% say they turn to the Internet to clarify doubts in the emotional and sexual field and among them the majority does it for theI’m embarrassed to ask someone (31.6%) and why he doesn’t know who to turn to (12.8%), with risk of being exposed to fake newsfalse and misleading information.

Only the 9.3% are addressed to parents – with rates decreasing over the last three years – 5.9% to the doctor, The 12% ask friends for help or simply, he doesn’t ask to nobodywith the proportion of the latter increasing significantly to 20.3% in the youngest group between 11 and 13 years old.

Face it complex script, what they could be measures to be introduced? Emotional and sexual education in schools it is definitely the main one. A measure that, among other things, is strongly requested by young people: in fact, the Observatory shows that the 93.7% of the respondents believe that theSexuality and emotionality education should be offered as a subject in the school curriculum.

The Durex program “With the lights on” in the schools of Milan

In light of how much emerged from the ObservatoryDurex carries out an initiative that represents a first concrete step in Italy in the direction of emotional and sexual education in schools: “A Luci Accese”, an emotional and sexual education program that aims to involve 23,000 Milanese students.

Organized by the ALA MILANO ONLUS Association, a non-profit association dedicated to protecting people’s health and promoting well-being, the initiative received the auspices of the Municipality of Milan and is already active in Milan schools since October with the support from specialist teachers, psychologists and sexologists.

Each of the participating schools has access emotional and sexual education workshops, conferences and meetings with experts, teachers, parents and school staffwith moments dedicated to feedback and feedback at the end of the activities and by administering a questionnaire before and after the intervention in order to assess the knowledge gained and satisfaction with the topics covered.

They are also suggestions interactive activities (games, quizzes, role plays, discussions, etc.) e moments of reflection and sharing in small and large groups, as well as alone non-judgmental listening space which makes it easy to post questions and personal experiences.

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