Paola Zukar, the woman who revolutionized the world of Italian rap

doIn 1968 he left Genoa for the USA and returned to Italy to change the rules of the game. In its “roster” there are Fabri Fibra, Marracash and Madame. That’s him Paula Zukar

You don’t need many turns of phrase: Italian rap has the first one Paula Zukar and a later Paola Zukar. Knowing her and her story means accepting a journey into the concept of a “game changer”, that element capable of changing the rules of the game, of seeing the light where the other sees the darkness, of looking beyond the curtain which for many is impassable. Paola Zukar has changed modern rap history without ever rhyming, he revised the rules of the game without blowing up the control room, only (so to speak) accompanied by the hand artists thanks to whom rap now has a sense of existence in Italy, from the cellars to the mainstream.

Its story begins in 1968 Genoa. In the city that has made the fusion of words and music its raison d’ĂȘtre, the Istrian refugee father meets his mother, who works in the family delicatessen. He lives and grows up in a condominium in via Priaruggia, in his neighborhood Fourth. And it is his father who is his contact with the outside world, with this spirit open to the universal that will positively affect his entire existence. In 1977, the first Walkman arrived in her pocket from Japan, the small revolution that allowed her to always have the music she loved most with her. He frequents thetourist institute when she meets a Marine who asks her to follow him to Washington. There the world of black music opens up to her, she experiences first hand the rising racial tensions, she sees the growing hip hop world that for many “lasts” represents that megaphone that can’t be found otherwise.

The turning point with entering a record store

After returning to Genoa after her experience in the USA, she began her studies Pedagogybut the turning point comes with the introduction of a record store. On a shelf he finds the fanzine ‘Aelle’, a self-produced magazine exclusively dedicated to the world of hip hop. Natural, direct to write a letter (a real letter) asking to work together. It was surprising and revolutionary to get a “yes” as a response to the offer to write about international rap. From there he began his ascent in the world he loves and thus his profession was born. Thanks to the collaboration with “Aelle” he has the privilege of meeting heavy calibers such as e.g. Tupac or him OutKast as a correspondent from Switzerland where all the new trends in the rap world arrived. Then “Aelle” closes, and the proverbial opportunity arises from a problem: the proposal is enough to cover black music and the urban world for Universal.

He began working for the major label creating a sub-division called “Urban Ring” at a time in history when rap was seen as a passing fad, an in-or-out era. She chooses to stay in and change the rules of the game thanks also to her friendship with one Fabrizio Tarducci, better known as Fabri Fibra. He sends her the records that don’t find space, she finds that space and in 2006 she signs with the label. He will be the first of a group that can boast elements such as e.g Marcio World and Marracash then reaching contemporary talents such as Lady.

In a scene that is often (and inappropriately) considered. sexist and misogynistic, Paola Zuccar, therefore, carved pages of history for herself, bringing back to the top a genre that, on the contrary, was in danger of sinking after the first spotlight born from the reflected light that arrived from the USA at the dawn of the movement. . And he talked about it in his book, “Rap – An Italian Story” (published by Nuova ediz.), conveying at the same time a very specific message with his work: “Hip-hop turns 50 this year and is doing very well. The spirit is alive and despite misunderstandings and “friend fire” the endemic is doing great. Long live rap and thank you very much to the artists who keep its flame burning with faith, talent and dedication. You always make a difference and thank you for giving meaning to my life.”

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