Milano4MentalHealth, the mental health event, is back

Heyfrom October 6 to October 31 returns Milano4MentalHelaththe event organized by the Municipality of Milan that will bring dozens of initiatives to the city to spread culture and awareness on the topic of psychological well-being

“There is no health without mental health”: this is his motto Milano4MentalHealthinitiative of the Municipality of Milan which from October 6 to 31 includes speeches, meetings and events dedicated to all citizens to inform and raise awareness on the issue of mental health.

The goal of Milano4MentalHealth is to help citizens to have access to information about projects, prevention activities, current social phenomena and possible individual actions linked to the fundamental issue of mental health, through the synergy and exploitation of the associative, institutional, health and business realities of the city.

A manifesto for mental health as a common good

On the basis of the initiative, which he wants they reiterate the urgent need to bring the social debate back to the center in order to find solutions to psychological distressthere is the Manifesto “Mental health as a common good”, now open for signature by citizens, agencies, associations, businesses, with the aim of exchanging intervention strategies and principles that can direct the action of the agencies.

“Manifesto and Milano4MentalHealth have precisely the goal of opening a space of dialogue with citizens, health operators, the third sector, the productive web to reverse, through collective action, the tendency that until now has led to an underestimation of the problem. A commitment that must see us all in the front row, to strengthen the alliance between all actors, to work for socio-health inclusion and to give timely and appropriate answers to all. “There is no health without mental health” in the family, in the workplace and in all contexts of relationships. Let’s start from here,” said the Welfare and Health adviser Lamberto Bertole.

Lamberto Bertolè
Lamberto Bertolè

The Manifesto is a document designed and promoted by the Municipality of Milan, in collaboration with Edra, and created, in order to share objectives, which includes the Milan Mental Health panel (in which institutions and the Third Sector participate), Anci, the National Order of Psychologists, Orders of Medical Radiology Health Technicians and Rehabilitation and Prevention Health Professions Technicians and Alberto Siracusano, Coordinator of the Ministerial Technical Panel on Mental Health.

“The Manifesto is an important document born – in a very ‘Milanese’ style – from the participation of many different realities: from local and central institutions in the business world, from the Third Sector in the world of research and medicine. Let’s work together to turn its principles and values ​​into daily practice: principles of humanity, solidarity and civic progress, which will make our country better and fairer,” continued the mayor of Milan. Giuseppe Sala.

All this with one idea: to put mental health on an equal footing with physical health

The initiatives of Milano4MentalHealth

Among the initiatives of Milano4MentalHealth, the presentation on October 9 of AccogliMi, the project by which the Municipality of Milan offers children aged 14 to 18 and their families a psychoeducational orientation to face the difficulties of adolescence or the M4MH tram. who on October 10 – on the occasion of Mental Health Day – will travel through Milan to meet citizens and bring her message against stigma at every stop. And then, conferences, meetings, shows. And again: on October 14, at the Franco Parenti theater, “Together for mental health” will be staged, an event that, in addition to hosting a lectio magistralis by Prof. Masimo Rekalkatiwill bring art, performances and workshops into dialogue to promote meetings between citizens and associations concerned with mental well-being.

Here is the calendar of all initiatives.

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