Innovation: who are the GammaDonna Award finalists

TOthe club again this year GammaDonna has collected 50 stories of women who with ideas, talent and ingenuity are revolutionizing the way we live and imagine the future

LARGE’innovation she is also – mostly a woman – only too often women’s contribution to the technological and scientific field is not sufficiently recognized. And if it is true that in recent years something is finally moving and more and more women manage to establish themselves in fields that until recently were considered the exclusive privilege of men, there is still a long way to go before their advantages are recognized. And that’s what it aims for GammaDonnaa non-profit association that annually selects the “Fab50“, fifty women who with ideas, talent and ingenuity are revolutionizing the lifestyle and imagination of the future, contributing to the economic, social and technological progress of Italy.

From artificial intelligence to gaming

The “rose” of 2023 is large and varied: there are those who use itIndustrial AI to reduce waste in production with the goal of making informed and intelligent decisions quickly, those who enable sustainable growth by providing “explained” AI solutions, those who, again, launched the first subscription skills platform for companies to eliminate the skills mismatch in the labor market, and who uses its dynamics gaming as a tool for evaluating and enhancing talent skills. Among the “Fab50” there are those who, starting with graphite powder has been industrially discarded, created innovative products that inspire sustainable behavior through design, and created a trading platform that revolutionizes the way waste is traded, tracked and analyzed, leading to better recycling rates and transparency and sustainability targets. But also those who work internationally to make it inclusive cities and environmentally sustainable, and who gave birth to a technology disruptive which breaks down harmful pollutants and reduces the presence of bacteria and viruses in collective environments.

However, all of them, whether they are entrepreneurs, researchers or scientists, have one thing in common: courage to invest in your dreams and ambitious projects, and turn them into businesses with a high rate of innovation. Precisely with the aim of continuing to promote entrepreneurship, leadership and innovation across the country, GammaDonna again this year gathered 50 business stories led by women from different fields but sharing the same goal: to make the economy and society more sustainable, fair and inclusive through business-applied innovation and create positive impact.

“Through his path empowerment and empowerment of female entrepreneurship, GammaDonna aims to make gender differences less and less relevant in Italy and abroad – explained the president Valentina Parentis – A challenge we pursue with passion and enthusiasm, to highlight stories of innovation that have transcended any gender stereotype and are an inspiration to all. This year’s FAB50 tells us how change is becoming real”

Who are the FAB50 of 2023

Among the FAB50 of 2023 there are Antonella Abramco-founder and CEO of technology company Trend Technology, founded with the aim of applying technology to the world of fashion to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment, and again Sabrina Fiorentinofounder of Sestre, an innovative female startup that has invested in transforming the traditional products of the Mediterranean diet and the richness of the region into supplements and then Martina GianfredaCEO of Whatwapp Entertainment, the first mobile gaming company in Italy, e Ann Locicero from SmartFAB, a company that uses industrial artificial intelligence to reduce waste in manufacturing. With them, many other Italian entrepreneurs and innovators determined to change the future, whose stories have been collected in a special playlist.

Gamma Donna Award Finalists

With the same goal, GammaDonna launched it prize which bears the name of the association, a path of exploiting, accelerating and empowering female entrepreneurship, unique in Italy.

Every year, for nearly twenty years, GammaDonna has invited entrepreneurs and innovators who have distinguished themselves in business creation and management to apply for the award in order to highlight and support their innovative capacity and contribute to reducing the gender gap in the socio-economic sector by identifying and harnessing female entrepreneurial talent.

The 7 finalists this yearspecified in FAB50, are the same Sabrina Fiorentino of Sestre, Roberta Ligosi of Ta-Daan, a startup with an all-female founding team under the age of 35, specialized in presenting small craft workshops online and then Susanna Martucciwho with Alisea turns waste into innovative products, inspiring virtuous behavior through design.

They are added to them Rafaela Moro of Reair, a startup that produces special smart coatings that exploit the principle of photocatalysis for surface treatment, Elisa Piscitelli of Futurely, a school guidance startup that helps kids choose university through a digital pathway and then Dina Ravera of the Destination Italia Group, one of the most important Italian TravelTech companies, e.g Christiana Vignoli of Hemera Pharma, a biotech company specializing in regenerative medicine for neurological conditions, which aims to be the first in the world to patent a treatment for spinal cord injuries. Winners will be announced on September 29.

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