Gender gap: gender equality certification becomes rewarding for companies

smallAccording to world economic forum it would take over 100 years, at this rate, to reach a full flood gender equality. In this context, the Ministry of Equal Opportunities has allocated funds ad hoc

Even if theUnited Nations He set it as a goal to be achieved 2030The gender equality it still remains a mirage. This is attested not only by the increasing number of studies on the subject, but also by direct experiences and testimonies in every field, and especially in the world of work the differences are extremely strong.

The Gender pay gap report 2023, the report signed by the JobPricing Observatory in collaboration with Mind the Gap and LHH Recruitment Solutions, further confirms this. There are fewer working women, especially those without degrees, find less work and tend to be less pressure to join the workforce Or, wanting to change their perspective, they give up looking for work more easily than men, discouraged by the difficulty of finding work. Another factor that depends on work and, consequently, women’s incomes is work part-time.

However, the use of part-time work is not always the result of a voluntary choice linked to the need to combine work and family life. According to Istat, so-called involuntary part-time work presents another gender gap: it is more imposed on women and, in general, is more prevalent in sectors with a high concentration of women such as, for example, family services.

What is the certification of gender equality, one of the pillars of the PNRR


What is the certification of gender equality, one of the pillars of the PNRR

Just to give some numbers, the report says for the year 2022 a wage gap of the private sector (excluding private health care and education) by 8.7% on Gross annual salary (RAL) in Full time equivalent (FTE), which expands to 9.6% if we consider annual global remuneration (RGA). This translates into a salary delay for Italian workers who, in other words, are as if they had only started receiving their salary since February, even though they have been working since January 1, creating a monetary gap about 2,700 euros at RAL and his 3,000 euros to the RGA. In short, globally, the road to gender equality shows very modest progress: the global gap has closed to 68.4%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous year, and at this rate, according to the World Economic Court it will take 131 years to achieve full equality. In this context, Italy ranks 79th worldwide and 21st in the EU.

In light of the scenario just described, it is clear that institutions must take steps to encourage the elimination of gender gap, and in this regard a provision has been adopted that makes the certification of gender equality an element of reward for companies. The Equal Opportunities Department of the Council Presidency decided to invest funds for a “Gender equality certification system“, aiming to accompany and encourage companies to adopt appropriate policies to reduce the gender gap in all the most critical areas for women’s professional development.

The provision is part of it PNRR, Integration and Cohesion Mission, element of the Labor Policies, and last November the public announcement was published that defines the criteria and methods of granting contributions to micro, small and medium enterprises to obtain this certification, created in collaboration with Unioncamere as the implementing body. Objective of the measure, which has a total budget 10 million euros – 8 of which are intended to support public and medium-sized enterprises – is to accompany and encourage companies to adopt appropriate policies to reduce the gender gap and, in accordance with the provisions of the National Strategy for Gender Equality, contribute to the achievement until 2026 the increase by 5 units in the ranking of the Gender Equality Index developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) which currently sees Italy in 13th place in the ranking of EU countries.

“With this measure we want to promote the cultural change that we believe is fundamental for the full confirmation of equal opportunities between men and women and for greater participation of women in the economic and social life of the country,” said the Minister of Family. Birth and equal opportunities, Eugenia Roccella – The business world shows a great sense of responsibility, but we know that for small businesses, which are a key component of the productive fabric, it is more difficult to devote resources and energy in defining new processes, apparently away from their main activity. That is why it is important to accompany and encourage them, so that they too incorporate the perspective of equal opportunities in the company’s choices. It will take time, but we are convinced that thanks to the full participation of the business world, women will be able to unleash their potential for growth and freedom.”

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