Fit crepes with Skyr and plums – Healthy Cuisine

Fit crepes with Skyr and plums are a wonderful #fit and low carb #recipe that you can prepare with the last plums still on the shelves. Quick and easy to prepare, they are ideal for a protein and energy breakfast, but also for a healthy and tasty snack. Instead of plums you can use a pear or an apple and you can replace the Skyr with low fat Greek yogurt.


2 eggs
15 g of almond flour
150 g Skyr vanilla
100 g of plums
15 g of walnuts
A pinch of salt
A pinch of stevia (optional)


Mix the eggs briefly with a pinch of salt, a spoonful of Skyr and the almond flour. Heat a non-stick pan well and bake two crepes from the prepared dough (be careful when turning them because they are thin). Put them aside. In the same pan, put the chopped plums and bake them until they are soft. You can sweeten them with a pinch of stevia.
Spread the remaining Skyr on the crepes and fold them. Place the hot plums on top and sprinkle with the walnuts.

1 serving contains: 436 kcal, P:31 G:27 C:23

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