Do you have neck problems or headaches that won’t go away? You can find benefit from foot reflexology. The feet, in fact, represent our contact with the earth, absorbing energy and transmitting it to the brain. Foot reflexology is based on this principle, a technique that allows you to restore the balance of the body through the stimulation of certain localized areas of the foot.
“Each organ falls into an area determined by the energy lines it connects to,” he explains Giorgio Poraci, massage physiotherapist, osteopath, podiatrist specialist in foot reflexology at Aristotele Clinic in Milan. “A certain flow of energy, therefore, allows information to be transmitted to certain structures by touch. So the sole of the foot works on this principle to reduce tension and stress.”
How foot reflexology was born
Since ancient times this technique has been applied in Egypt, China and by the American Indians who used it to restore their state of health. However, he is considered the father of modern reflexology William Fitzgerald who from the early 1900s introduced the concept of zone therapy by dividing the body into ten energy lines. In Italy the practice of reflexology is due to Elipio Zamboni, a massage physiotherapist who invented the three-year training school.
“A reflexologist is not necessarily a doctor,” Porazzi points out. “It doesn’t diagnose or treat, but thanks to the mapping of the foot and the deep knowledge of the anatomy it mainly works on three conditions: congestion, inflammation and tension exists in the body”.
The foot map says that…
According to one holistic visionTherefore, in the foot we look for a reflex response to an organ or structure through the neurological, biomechanical, lymphatic and blood. The foot is able to communicate the state of health of an organ through various signals: the shape, the color, the smell, the position of the toes, the appearance of the nails, the thickening of the skin in certain places and certain protrusions of the bone.
In mapping the right leg corresponds to our most logical piece and reflects its line liver; the accident instead of concerning the sphere of the heart and affects emotionality.
“The reflexologist’s task will be to observe the feet and interpret them not only based on the reflex point map, but taking into account the patient’s clinical history and the reason for the visit. Therefore, if the patient claims to have neck or back pain, we can go to work on the arch of the foot which reflects the spine. In this way we try to relieve neck, back and lumbar pain and headaches stance».
LARGE’copper valveIn some cases, it indicates tension in the neck and cervical region. If it is on the left leg it indicates emotional problems, while on the right it indicates relationship problems. Warts and fungus sometimes they are signs of a diet too rich in fats, while thetoenail sometimes it reveals problems with the spleen if it is on the side of the shoe, with the liver if it is on the inside, while if it is thick it reflects poor kidney function or restless sleep.
The benefits of foot reflexology
“Foot reflexology is recommended for those who have already reached bone maturity,” says Porazzi. “So an adult patient presenting with muscle stiffness, spinal stiffness, headache or leg pain. A visit lasts on average 40-50 minutes and in the first part the patient’s clinical history is reconstructed. The mobility of the joints, tendons and muscles is analyzed and the carrier to be worked on is identified on the foot map.’
Pressure and massage under the foot may allow this they act on anxiety and stress, insomnia, reduce nausea and indigestion and improve intestinal motility. “A course of foot reflexology sessions can help reduce muscle pain, fight cellulite and relieve cramps,” concludes the doctor.
A foot reflexology treatment has varying costs from 40 to 60 euros. A cycle includes 6 to 12 sessions. There are no side effects to foot reflexology, although it is not recommended immediately after meals, during pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.
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