Climate disruption, what it is and why it is increasingly affecting workers

smallMore and more workers present their resignations to the tables of companies that do not respect it values ​​of environmental sustainability: a trend that particularly affects the Gen Z. But what does “Climate Quitting” consist of? Let’s learn together

The first of the terms coined to describe a mass phenomenon in the world of work was the “Great Quit,” that is, the tendency of an entire generation of workers to leave an unsatisfying job that does not match their aspirations and desires, and to look for news. paths through resignation. Then it was his turn to “Quiet Quitting”, or the decision to adapt work to his needs, not the other way around: respectable working hours, no overtime at all costs, prioritizing physical and mental health over career.

Now, in the world of work, a new trend is emerging and establishing itself: that of the so-called “Climate Quitting”, or the choice to resign from companies that do not care about the fate of the planet and do not care about the climate emergency and global warming .

What is Climate Quitting

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The Climatic Interruption actually it is The growing tendency of workers to demand that the companies they work for take concrete actions to protect the climate, and resign if not. At the basis of this vision is compliance with the so-called ESG criteria, an acronym that stands for Environmental, Social (society) and Governance. Three pillars that refer, in fact, to environmental commitment, corporate values ​​and transparency. For the workers we are talking about, it is important that employers respect them without falling into so-called “green washing”, that is, that set of actions and campaigns aimed at giving the public the appearance of environmental commitment without actually investing in this. . Hence the position: failure to comply with these criteria results in resignation.

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According to research commissioned by consultancy KPMG, ESG is actively influencing the employment decisions of nearly half of UK workers, with millennials and younger workers driving the growing trend to leave their jobs to start looking for a more environmentally friendly environment.

Gen Z is the most sensitive to the issue. And he acts accordingly

The company interviewed around 6,000 employees and nearly one in two (46%) expressed a desire for the company they work for to demonstrate a specific commitment to ESG criteria, while one in five (20%) turned down a job offer when the commitments were made by the company in this sense were not in line with their values.

Last Generation:


Last Generation: “We don’t want to please everyone, but to make people think about the environmental crisis”

Unsurprisingly, the generation most sensitive to respecting these values ​​is the Gen Z, a generation that has come of age in the midst of the debate on the environmental crisis, that of “Fridays for the Future” and street demonstrations, of social content aimed at raising awareness, that has made protecting the environment and protecting the planet a kind of mission . Intrinsic values ​​to be pursued in everyday life and at all levels, and therefore not only by committing to not waste, not pollute and spreading the message of the importance of adopting these behaviors, but also by choosing online jobs and companies who are particularly sensitive to the issue.

Millennials are also following the same trend, albeit more slowly and with more “prudence”: the generation of workers between the ages of 30 and 40, according to evidence from numerous studies, in recent years has shown an increasing interest in global warming and need for action to stop its unstoppable progress, with implications at the work level as well.

A typical example was that of Caroline Dennett, who after 11 years working for Shell as a consultant resigned, publicly, because the company “it does not take risks into account of climate change,” he said in a video released on social media, in which he essentially accuses the British oil and energy multinational of, in effect, “greenwashing,” claiming to operate environmentally friendly but entering the opposite direction. This is one of the risks for companies that neglect the environmental aspect and do not respect the values ​​they claim to pursue: not only to find themselves without employees, but also to be publicly “disproved” thanks to the huge sounding board represented by social networks and news communication channels.

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