Black Friday 2023: the Klarna survey – The Wom Fashion

TOwe’ll take advantage of Black Friday to start Christmas shopping, but with a very specific goal: here’s what an interesting survey conducted by Klarna reveals.

The countdown is over: the Black Friday 2023 officially marks its beginning Christmas shopping. We couldn’t wait and because the constant increase in prices makes the offers even more attractive. Unmissable opportunities to start giving gifts and also buy something for ourselves. What? Good, clothes first and foremost: fashion reigns supreme wish list Italians. But not only. Klarna, a Swedish company that is a world leader in shopping services, created a very interesting survey. Something that reveals the habits of Italian consumers, especially in relation to the fatal Friday November 24th and in general this week is full of sales and bargains. How much do you recognize yourself?

Strategic purchases

Italians will indulge in shopping during the week of Black Friday, ahead of the holidays and Christmas, but they will evaluate each purchase with extreme care: is the first data resulting from Klarna survey. Let’s go deeper.

53% of respondents wait these days to buy first of all the most expensive products: jewelry, electronics and furniture. Secondly, 50% will hunt for discounted clothing. And they are above all those who have between 18 and 26 years old (46%) to consider it Black Friday a great opportunity to grab the most convenient offers. older consumers follow closely behind between 27 and 42 years old. In short, a large portion of the population.

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Credits: Getty Images

E-commerce or physical stores?

No doubt the ability to do online shopping translates into saving time (and sometimes even money), but a surprising fact emerges from researching the Klarna installment system. By Black Friday 2023, 84% of respondents will shop for electronics online, but things change when it comes to clothes and shoes.

In fact, 47% will prefer them in these cases physical stores. Trying on clothes and shoes, feeling them and seeing them on you is an option that many do not give up. With all due respect to digitization.

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Credits: Getty Images

No unnecessary purchases

It seems that this year the Italians have no intention of giving Christmas presents at the last minute, instead they want to play in advance. To reduce costs and stress: 48% plan to do all their shopping until November.

And if 34% let themselves be infected with joy by the Christmas atmosphere, many are a little worried and will be very careful not to go over their budget. The best solution; Cut out useless or unnecessary purchases: a choice shared by 54% of respondents. When you say one wish list responsible. And no doubt Klarna, with its flexible payment solutions (including pay in 3), can help.

Credits: Getty Images
Credits: Getty Images

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